Below are some helpful resources and links to informative sources.
Environmental Resources & Information
Northwoods Land Trust (NWLT)
The Northwoods Land Trust permanently conserves natural shorelands, woodlands and other natural resources to benefit present and future generations in Vilas, Oneida, Forest, Florence, Iron, Price and Langlade Counties in northern Wisconsin.
Oneida County Lakes and Rivers Association (OCLRA)
Our Mission is to protect and preserve the quality and riparian habitat of the inland waters of Oneida County by serving as an advocate and an information source for, and a communication link among lake and river associations and districts, county and local government, and the public.
University of Wisconsin - Extension Lakes
Extension Lakes is a team of education professionals dedicated to preserving our Wisconsin legacy of lakes through education, communication, and collaboration. Working with thousands of people interested in lakes, including waterfront property owners and over 750 lake organizations in Wisconsin, and coordinating a number of programs and projects to assist those concerned with the future of our lakes.
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
The DNR is dedicated to working with Wisconsinites while preserving and enhancing the natural resources of Wisconsin. In partnership with individuals and organizations, DNR staff manage fish, wildlife, forests, parks, air and water resources while promoting a healthy, sustainable environment and a full range of outdoor opportunities.
Wisconsin Lakes
Formed more than 20 years ago following the merger of the Wisconsin Federation of Lakes (the statewide association of lake associations) and the Wisconsin Association of Lake Districts Wisconsin Lakes works to develop statewide solutions for the challenges faced by our lakes while supporting strong local protection efforts.
Loon Resources & Information
Loon Preservation Committee (LPC)
The Loon Preservation Committee was created in 1975 in response to concerns about a dramatically declining loon population and the effects of human activities on loons. LPC’s mission is to restore and maintain a healthy population of loons; to monitor the health and productivity of loon populations as sentinels of environmental quality; and to promote a greater understanding of loons and the larger natural world.
The Loon Project
The Loon Project is a scientific investigation of population dynamics, reproductive success, and territorial behavior of common loons (Gavia immer) in the Upper Midwest. Historically, our work has focused on the behavioral ecology of loons, specifically territorial behavior. However, our discovery in 2020 that the Wisconsin loon population is declining has reshuffled our priorities. We have now turned our attention to that decline and its possible causes.